I2I: From Isolation to Inclusion: innovation in social service delivery to improve social inclusion and counteract loneliness in the NSR
I2I was submitted in Call 11 of the Interreg Northsea Region Programme: https://northsearegion.eu/about-the-programme/programme-news/five-new-projects-on-board/
Bureau PAU wrote the successful application in 2019 and has been hired to take care of the project management. The project started in 2020 and has ended in 2023.
Why I2I? Across the North Sea Region many people are experiencing social isolation and loneliness. The public sector is struggling to address such a complex problem. Finding a solution requires action from many different agencies.
I2I will focus on innovation in service delivery (including utilising new technologies such as serious gaming, apps, chatbots, VR/AR) through bringing organisations together and co-creating solutions with the target groups. The overall objective in I2I is to enhance innovation in social service delivery to improve social inclusion and counteract loneliness in NSR communities and neighbourhoods.
Find out more on https://northsearegion.eu/i2i